Peculiarities of species composition of phytocenoses with dominance and participation species of the genus Salsola L. in desert and semi-desert regions of Kazakhstan

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  • B. B. Osmonali Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Email:
  • M. M Yermagambetova Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology Email:
  • S. S. Almerekova Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology Email:
Keywords: Anthropogen, Chenopodiaceae, dominant, Kazakhstan, phytocenosis, Salsola, species composition


The purpose of the research was to identify the features of the floristic composition of rammunities with representatives of the genus Salsola L. (North-Western (Aksai), Southem, South-Eastem regions of Kazakhstan). Traditional methods of field geobotanical researches were used in the process of studying. As a result of expedition works, 24 studied plant communities (with predominance and participation of various Salsola) were described. Communities differed from each other by species composition, which is caused by a variety of combination of habitat factors. The analysis of the floristic composition of the described rommunities resulted in the identification of two groups: 1) rommunities dominated by species of the genus Salsola; 2) rommunities in which the presence of species of the genus Salsola was insignificant. During the research, it was revealed that annual species S. nitraria Pall. and S. tragus L. are well adapted to the habitat conditions of desert and semi-desert regions and it was roncluded that they can be used for reclamation of disturbed lands.


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How to Cite
Osmonali B. B., Yermagambetova M. M., Almerekova S. S. Peculiarities of species composition of phytocenoses with dominance and participation species of the genus Salsola L. in desert and semi-desert regions of Kazakhstan // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 251-258 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023049. URL: