Anatomical and morphological study of the roots of species of the genus Iris from natural populations of southeastern Kazakhstan

УДК 582.579.2:581.43:581.4+581.8(574.4)

  • M. S Ramazanova Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction Email:
  • N. V. Kurbatova Al Farabi Kazakh National University Email:
  • N. G. Gemejiyeva Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction Email:
  • Ch. J Aldassugurova Al Farabi Kazakh National University Email:
Keywords: Anatomical and morphological studies, Iris L, population, southeastern Kazakhstan


Wild-growing species of the genus Iris L. are perennial rhizomatous plants better known for decorative properties and promising plants as sources of medicinal raw materials. Irises contain essential oil, isoflavones, flavonoids, carotenoids, various organic acids, and tannins. The rhizomes of some irises have an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, tonic effect, exhibit antiviral, acaricidal, antifungal activity. Medicinal and ornamental properties characterized by six species I. alberti, I. lactea, I. ruthenica, I. sogdiana, I. songarica, I. tenuifolia out of 11 irises from southeast of Kazakhstan which grow within Almaty administrative region in different ecological conditions (from foothills and mountain slope North Tian Shan up to steppe zones of Balkhash Alakol basin). The objects of research were 3 wild species of Iris L., growing in the southeast of Kazakhstan. The goal of this research is a comparative anatomical and morphological study of the roots of species Iris alberti Regel (1, 2 populations), I. pallasii Fisch. ex Trevir., I. sogdiana Bunge from natural populations of southeastern Kazakhstan. Field studies of wild populations of the Iris species were carried out by the route-reconnaissance method. Geobotanical methods were used to describe plant communities with the participation of research objects. Microscopic studies of the roots were carried out by conventional procedure. As a result of the anatomical and morphological study, we found that pronounced mesophytic features of the anatomical structure of the plant species are associated with an increase in the diameter of the central cylinder and the diameter of the xylem vessels. The highest degree of development of conducting tissue indicates an increased moisture gradient. The pronounced thickness of the primary cortex indicates the presence of xerophytic features of the anatomical structure. These results indicate the relationship between the ecological conditions of the studied Iris species growth and features of a primary anatomical structure of its root.


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How to Cite
Ramazanova M. S., Kurbatova N. V., Gemejiyeva N. G., Aldassugurova C. J. Anatomical and morphological study of the roots of species of the genus Iris from natural populations of southeastern Kazakhstan // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 279-284 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023055. URL: