The current state of the Artemisia diffusa, Caroxylon orientale pastures on the Eastern chink of the Ustyurt plateau (Uzbekistan)

УДК 581.553+574.45*631.611(254)(575.172)

  • T. Rakhimova Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
Keywords: Desertification, Eastern chink, pasture difference, Republic of Karakalpakstan, seasonality of use, Ustyurt plateau, yield


The article presents the current state of the Artemisia diffusa, Caroxylon orientale pasture difference on the Eastern chink of the Karakalpak Ustyurt. Due to climate change, the processes of land degradation and desertification affect the state of biodiversity of the Karakalpak part of Ustyurt. The role of Artemisia diffusa as a valuable forage plant, balancing the forage units of other compilers of pasture differences, is noted. The area of the sagebrush type of pastures, the nature of the soil cover, the percentage of projective coverage, landscape plant species, their placement, the presence of poisonous plants, the yield of feed mass, the list of plant species, as well as the recommended seasonality of the studied pasture difference are determined. At the same time, the pasture difference is recommended to be used as year-round pastures.


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How to Cite
Rakhimova T. The current state of the Artemisia diffusa, Caroxylon orientale pastures on the Eastern chink of the Ustyurt plateau (Uzbekistan) // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 302-305 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023059. URL: