The current state of Medicago sativa+Agropyron fragile-Artemisia diffusa pasture variety in Karakalpak Ustyurt

УДК 581.553+574.45*631.611(254)(575.172)

  • U. Sh. Saitjanova Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
Keywords: Eastern Cliff, forage mass, Medicago sativa, Ustyurt, vegetation cover


The article presents the phytocenotic characteristics of the Medicago sativa+Agropyron fragile-Artemisia diffusa pasture variety, which is part of the Medicago sativa pasture type. The studied type of pastures occupies a small territory in the Central-Primorsky and North-Primorsky subdistricts of the Eastern Cliff of Ustyurt (202 hectares). Medicago sativa+Agropyron fragile-Artemisia diffusa pasture variety is located on a gray-brown soils in the Kungrad district, geographical points: Karakuduk, near the well, from the first terrace to the Aral Sea. The total projective cover of the PV is 80%. In the formation of vegetation, a high proportion is assigned to Medicago sativa - 63 %, Agropyron fragile - 25 %, Artemisia diffusa - 12,5 %. It occurs in small spots on the slopes of gorges and dry beds of spring drains. According to the results of the study, we see that due to the arid climate, the eaten part of the forage mass of the Medicago sativa+Agropyron fragile-Artemisia diffusa pasture variety is low and ranges from 0.8 to 1.3 c/ha. According to the yield indicators, this pasture difference can be recommended for use as year-round pastures.


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How to Cite
Saitjanova U. S. The current state of Medicago sativa+Agropyron fragile-Artemisia diffusa pasture variety in Karakalpak Ustyurt // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 317-320 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023062. URL: