Formation of herbaceous perennials collection in the botanical garden of Surgut State University

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  • I. N. Turbina Surgut State University Email:
Keywords: Botanical garden, introduction, collection, perennials, herbaceous perennials


Formation of floral and ornamental plants collection and their introductive study in Surgut Botanical Garden actively began in 2018; this collection is currently beingreplenished and comprises 330 plant taxa, including 148 plant species and varieties, as well as 182 species and garden species related to 88 genera from 30 families. Standard introduction methods - ecological-geographical, phytocoenotic and genus complexes method are used for creating, maintaining and expanding the collection of ornamental herbaceous perennials. Apart from expeditionary replenishment, the species composition is expanded by delectus, exchange of collection funds with Russian botanical gardens. The botanical garden species composition expands mainly through the purchase of species in transplant nurseries and gratuitous transfer of plant material from private collections. At that, selection of promising garden classes is primarily determined by climatic conditions of introductionpoint. For the last five years, annual replenishment of herbaceous plant collection comprises on average 52 plant items, the loss - 7 plantitems. Thus, the status of large monocollections includes Tulipa L., Astilbe Buch.-Ham., Iris L., Gladiolus L., Phlox L., Hosta Tratt. generic complexes.


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How to Cite
Turbina I. N. Formation of herbaceous perennials collection in the botanical garden of Surgut State University // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 372-374 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023072. URL: