To the biology of Allium obliquum in the South Ural Reserve

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  • O. V. Yusupova South Ural Reserve Email:
  • L. M. Abramova South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute Email:
Keywords: Allium obliquum, morphometric parameters, rare species, seed productivity, South Ural Reserve


The article presents the results of the vital and reproductive characteristics study of a rare relict plant species for the Southern Urals Allium obliquum L. in two cenopopulations in the conditions of the South Ural Reserve, found in 2022. The natural cenopopulation grows among stone placers on the Dunan-Suigan mountain, Ridge Yusha, and the cenopopulation that grows in culture is on the private estates in the village of Kartali. Morphometric indicators of seeds are characterized and data on seed productivity of A. obliquum in two examined cenopopulations are given. It was revealed that the natural coenopopulation has lower vitality and productive characteristics compared to plants in culture. For example, among the parameters of the vitality sphere, the height of the shoot in the Dunan-Suigan cenopopulation is on average 88.7 cm, and in the Kartali cenopopulation - 111.8 cm, and among reproductive indicators, the diameter of the umbrella, the diameter and height of the box, the length of the seed in the introduced cenopopulations are higher than in natural cenopopulations. According to the indicators of seed productivity, an increase in real seed productivity in the introduced cenopopulation was noted.


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How to Cite
Yusupova O. V., Abramova L. M. To the biology of Allium obliquum in the South Ural Reserve // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 441-446 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023085. URL: