On the issue of studying the anthropogenic impact on the vegetation of the Zabaikalsky National Park

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  • A. I. Burdukovskii Zapovednoye Podlemorye Email: aburdukovskii@mail.ru
  • A. B. Sakhyaeva Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov Email: ayuna.sahyaeva@mail.ru
Keywords: Anthropogenic load, Baikal, core zone, species composition, Zabaikalsky National Park, vegetation


On the territory of the Zabaikalsky National Park, core zone in the Karga area has been allocated, where observations are made of the vegetation restoration under the anthropogenic influence. This core zone was allocated in 2021 by the Department of Science of the «Reserved Podlemorya». During two years under study, monitoring plots were organized, where seasonal observations of the state of plant communities are carried out. The article presents materials for 2022. These are primary data that serve as the foundation for subsequent analysis of the progress of the restoration of plant communities. Work is carried out in places open to tourists, as well as on the territory of the core zone. A total of six trial plots were established. The collection and analysis of the material was carried out using the methods and approaches of conventional geobotanical, floristic and cenopopulation studies. About 100 herbarium sheets were collected, 20 geobotanical releves were made. A comparative analysis showed that the vegetation in the core zone is in a rather depressed state. Vegetation in an area with a tourist load can also be characterized as regressive. This state is evidenced by low indicators of the total projective cover, poor species composition both in the herbaceous layer and in the shrub-tree layer.


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How to Cite
Burdukovskii A. I., Sakhyaeva A. B. On the issue of studying the anthropogenic impact on the vegetation of the Zabaikalsky National Park // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 39-42 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023093. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/bpssm/article/view/pbssm.2023093.