Demutation of settled meadows: the Kuznetsk basin case

УДК (251)581.93:581.524.34(571.17)

  • A. I. Izmailov Kuzbass Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute of Kemerovo State University Email:
Keywords: Dry meadows, fallow, Kuznetsk basin, successions, vegetation dynamics


The study of the demutation process in the fallows was carried out in the southern part of the Kuznetsk Basin. 4 stages of vegetation demutation were revealed: young fallow, middle-aged fallow, old, secondary steppe meadow. The analysis of 4 groups was carried out according to the following indicators: species richness, ecological composition of cenoflores, ecological and cenotic composition of the herbage. It was found that the species saturation in the cenoflora from young fallows to secondary steppe dry meadows increases by 1.6 times. Mesophytes prevail at all stages of demutation. The share of mesoxerophytes increases in the process of demutation. The activity of species changes as follows: meadow grasses are active at all stages, weedy species are active only at the first stages, than they drop out of the herbage, the activity of meadow-steppe species increases.


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How to Cite
Izmailov A. I. Demutation of settled meadows: the Kuznetsk basin case // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 104-107 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023107. URL: