Rare and endangered plant species of the Kuban State University Botanical Garden

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  • A. A. Keropyan Kuban State University Email: Anzhelikakeropyan@icloud.com
  • M. V. Nagalevsky Kuban State University Email: Anzhelikakeropyan@icloud.com
  • O. V. Bukareva Kuban State University Email: Anzhelikakeropyan@icloud.com
  • T. G. Yanenko Kuban State University Email: Anzhelikakeropyan@icloud.com
Keywords: Analysis of life forms, rare plants, zoological analysis, taxonomic analysis, educational botanical garden, ecological analysis


The paper presents the results of research on rare and endangered plant species growing on the territory of the Educational Botanical Garden of the Kuban State University. A systematic list of 88 plant species from 62 genera and 40 families listed in the regional Red Book has been compiled. A taxonomic analysis was carried out showing the predominant families, as well as the distribution of the studied flora into monotypic, oligotypic and polytypic families. The analysis of life forms according to the I. G. Serebryakov system showed that perennial grasses predominate, the smallest number of species refers to annual grasses. Ecological analysis was carried out on two groups of ecomorphs: in relation to light and moisture. Among the heliomorphs, heliophytes predominate. Xerophytes predominate among hygromorphs. According to the data of the zoological analysis, it was revealed that out of 88 species of the collection of rare and endangered plants of the Kuban State University Botanical Garden, 34 species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The zoological characteristics of the studied flora of the KubGU Botanical Garden are given. In order to identify changes in the state of flora, as well as clarity of replenishment of the collection of the Educational Botanical Garden of the Kuban State University, a comparative characteristic of changes in the categories of plant species growing on the territory of the Educational Botanical Garden in the period from 1994 to 2017 was carried out.


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How to Cite
Keropyan A. A., Nagalevsky M. V., Bukareva O. V., Yanenko T. G. Rare and endangered plant species of the Kuban State University Botanical Garden // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 122-126 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023111. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/bpssm/article/view/pbssm.2023111.