Identification of Lamiaceae species in the flora of Uzbekistan using DNA markers
УДК 582.949.2+577.21(575.1)
The flora of Uzbekistan is characterized by a high diversity of Lamiaceae and has about 240 species belonging to 40 genera. 30 species of the family Lamiaceae are listed in the Red Book. Rare species require regular monitoring and comprehensive study, both by classical methods and by methods of molecular genetic analysis. This study is aimed at assessment the species diversity of the flora of Uzbekistan using DNA markers. The material for the research was the species of the family Lamiaceae growing on the territory of Uzbekistan. Species identification was performed using two-four-locus combinations of DNA markers (ITS, rbcL, trnL-trnF, matK, psbA-trnH). 76 consensus nucleotide sequences of the ITS region are used for molecular phylogenetic analysis of the family. The phylogenetic relationships of 26 genera grouped into four subfamilies: Nepetoideae, Lamioideae, Scutellarioideae, Ajugoideae are presented based on nucleotide variability.
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