Analysis of the flora of woody plants in the Reserve Park of the Siberian Botanical Garden of TSU

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  • A. N. Okuneva National Research Tomsk State University Email:
  • O. D. Chernova National Research Tomsk State University Email:
  • A. I. Zalina National Research Tomsk State University Email:
  • E. Yu. Machkinis National Research Tomsk State University Email:
Keywords: Analysis of flora, introduced species, Siberian Botanical Garden, Tomsk, woody plants


The article presents the results of the analysis of the flora of woody plants in the Reserve Park of the Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk State University. In the course of this study, taxonomic, geographical, ecological and biomorphological analyzes of the tree assortment of the park were carried out. The list of flora of the Reserve Park includes 126 species of woody plants belonging to 27 families and 57 genera. The largest families in terms of number of species are Rosaceae (26 %) and Salicaceae (11 %). In the park, angiosperms significantly predominate over gymnosperms. The most represented are species with East Asian (33.3 %), Eurasian (26.2 %) and North American (13.5 %) ranges. There are few Central Asian species (2.4 %). Introduced tree species (68 %) prevail over local Siberian species (32 %). Mesophytes account for a significant part of the park’s woody vegetation (64 %), hydromesophytes (32 %) and xeromesophytes (4 %) are less numerous. Woody plants of the park are mainly shade-tolerant (55 %) or light-loving (44 %). The park is dominated by upstanding shrubs (60 %), forest type trees account for 20 % of the total number of species, most of them are deciduous species. Upstanding shrubs with an East Asian habitat are included in the most numerous group of woody plants (22 % of the total number of species).


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How to Cite
Okuneva A. N., Chernova O. D., Zalina A. I., Machkinis E. Y. Analysis of the flora of woody plants in the Reserve Park of the Siberian Botanical Garden of TSU // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 239-242 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023133. URL: