Desmid algae of some water reservoirs in the upper part of the Pyshma river basin, Russia

УДК 582.262.24(470.54)

  • A. S Shakhmatov Ural Federal University Email:
Keywords: Affected water bodies, Beloyarsk district, biodiversity, Sverdlovsk oblast


The study of floristic composition of desmid algae (Desmidiales) has been undertaken in previously unexplored water bodies (Lake Chernobrovskoye, Mokhovoye fen, Chayach’ye fen, Shishevskoye fen, a pond on the Loginovka River), located in the upper part of the Pyshma River basin on the territory of the Middle Urals eastern macroslope. Ten species belonging to the genera Closterium (Cl. acerosum, Cl. cornu, Cl. leibleinii, Cl. moniliferum, Cl. rostratum, Cl. sublaterale), Cosmarium (C. obtusatum, C. punctulatum) and Staurastrum (S. polymorphum, S. striatum) were recorded. Based on the analysis of habitat preferences and seasonal dynamics of Desmidiales, it was assumed that eutrophication due to the runoff into water bodies from agricultural lands along river banks is a reason for the low species diversity. The oligo-mesotrophic species (Closterium cornu) recorded in Chayach’ye fen is possibly extant since a less eutrophicated stage. The discovery of 3 new species for the eastern macroslope of the Middle Urals (Closterium sublaterale, Cosmarium obtusatum, Staurastrum striatum) indicates a poor knowledge of the region from a phycofloristic point of view.


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How to Cite
Shakhmatov A. S. Desmid algae of some water reservoirs in the upper part of the Pyshma river basin, Russia // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 415-419 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023168. URL: