New locations of Astragalus kaufmannii in Northern Transbaikalia
УДК 582.739:581.95(571.54)
In the central part of the Vitim Plateau (Amalat River basin (from 53°40' to 54°40' N and from 112°30' to 114°30' E) and the Bauntovskaya Basin in the lower reaches of the Uakit River (55°28' N and 113°38' E) new points of Astragalus kaufmannii Krylov growth were found. This South Siberian montane herbaceous perennial is characterized by xerophilous ecology and calciphilous and is a petrophyte in the study area. The article gives the general characteristic and phytocenological features of the species habitats. Specific coordinates of the new points of Astragalus kaufmannii occurrence at the southeastern border of its range are given.
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A platform for scientific data collection and biodiversity conservation iNaturalist. URL: (Accessed 15.05.2023).
Plantarium. Plants and lichens of Russia and neighboring countries: open online galleries and plant identification guide. 2007-2023. URL: (Accessed 10.05.2023).
Moscow Digital Herbarium: Electronic resource / Seregin A. P. (Ed.). - Moscow: Moscow State University, 2023. -Available at: (Accessed 13.05.2023).