Introduction stability of rare species of the genus Iris L. in Botanical Garden of Irkutsk State University

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  • N. V. Yakubenko Irkutsk State University Email:
  • S. E. Kalinovich Botanical garden of Irkutsk State University Email:
Keywords: Introduction, introductional estimate (assessment on stability), Iridaceae, phenological development, Red Data Book of the Irkutsk region, Red Data Book of the Russian Federation


We present in the article the results of an introduction test of three rare species from the genus Iris L., including I. notha Bieb. listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, I. sanguinea Donn and I. setosa Pall. - in the Red Book of the Irkutsk region. We made phenological observations. The condition of plants after overwintering was assessed on a 4-point scale. We also learned the seed productivity and calculated the percentage of seminification. An assessment of the primary introduction of species is given. All three species received a score of 3 points - they successfully endure winter, bloom, bear fruit, form a sufficient number of shoots. The ability to seed reproduction is defined as satisfactory. Seeds are characterized by high rates of laboratory germination. The success of introduction for I. sanguinea - 90 points, I. setosa -95 points, I. notha - 85 points. The tested species are highly decorative, are actively used in breeding, and are promising for cultivation in the Irkutsk region. We propose a broad introduction to the culture of these species, which will support the strategy of ex situ plant protection.


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How to Cite
Yakubenko N. V., Kalinovich S. E. Introduction stability of rare species of the genus Iris L. in Botanical Garden of Irkutsk State University // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 434-437 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023172. URL: