Plastome DNA markers and phylogeny of certain poorly resolved groups of Hyacinthaceae
УДК 577.21:582.52
Several genera of Old World Hyacinthaceae are still not fully resolved, with Scilla s.l. being the mostcontroversial, and there is no consensus about the content of Hyacinthus as well. We have obtained sequences of trnL-Fplastome region for Hyacinthus transcaspicus and Hyacinthella (Scilla) atropatana. ML phylogeny trees confi rm that bothCentral Asian species of Hyacinthus are nested within Fessia sensu F. Speta and only distantly related to H. orientalis.Our data place Hyacinthella atropatana away from most Hyacinthella species, in a sister clade with Nectaroscilla (Scilla)hyacinthoides. Th ese two species have very little in common regarding habit, so a detailed investigation of characteristictraits of these two and closely related taxons is needed to evaluate the reasonableness of merging the two into one genus.
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