Comparative analysis of partial floras of natural habitats of cities in the southern half of Udmurtia

УДК 581.9(471.51)

  • E. N. Bralgina Branch in Votkinsk, Udmurt State University Email:
  • O. G. Baranova Komarov Botanical Institute Email:
Keywords: Natural habitats, partial fl oras, urbanized areas


Purpose of the study: identification of species composition and analysis of partial floras of natural and semi-natural habitats of cities in the southern half of Udmurtia. The object of the study was the flora of three cities of the Udmurt Republic - Votkinsk, Mozhga and Kambarka. Floristic studies were carried out within the administrative boundaries of these cities. The research was carried out during field seasons from 2012 to 2023. These cities have more than 200 years of development history. In terms of population, Votkinsk is classified as a medium-sized city, Mozhga and Kambarka are classified as small. The area of Votkinsk within its administrative boundaries is 112.18 km2, Mozhga 30.09 km2, Kambarka 26.5 km2. The combined partial flora of natural and semi-natural habitats of three cities in the southern half of Udmurtia includes 815 species of vascular plants from 441 genera and 104 families, of which the native fraction is 704 species from 334 genera and 97 families, and the alien fraction is 111 species from 87 genera and 37 families. The richest was the combined partial flora of natural and semi-natural habitats of the city of Kambarka, numbering 767 species of vascular plants. This is due to the fact that the administrative boundaries of the city include various types of habitats that were formed in the unique natural conditions of the ecotone strip from the taiga zone to the forest-steppe zone, which is influenced by the river basin. Kama. Here, partial floras of steppe habitats were identified, which are not typical for other cities studied. When analyzing inclusion measures, the greatest similarity between the PFs of the three cities is observed between the PFs of pastures and hayfields, dark coniferous forests, and rafting grounds. The specific conditions of these habitats lead to homogenization of the floristic diversity of the PF. But despite the relative similarity of the territories, there is a deviation in the floristic diversity of the Kambarka PF, which is associated with the botanical and geographical location of the territory, the unique natural conditions formed in this area.


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How to Cite
Bralgina E. N., Baranova O. G. Comparative analysis of partial floras of natural habitats of cities in the southern half of Udmurtia // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 1. P. 32-38 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024007. URL: