The spectrum of plant life forms of a coal dump as an indicator of the degree of anthropogenic transformation of its flora

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  • D. A. Dostovalova Donetsk Botanical Garden Email:
  • N. S. Podgorodetsky Donbass National Academy of Civil engineering and Architecture Email:
Keywords: Anthropogenic transformation, classification, coal dump, life form, woody plants


The paper studies the spectra of life forms of vegetation of the coal dump according to Raunkier, Serebryakov and Eitingon from the point of view of indicating the anthropogenic transformation of the flora of the dump. With an increase in the degree of anthropogenic transformation of the flora of the coal dump, a regular shift in biomorphological spectra occurs, which allows us to consider these spectra as one of the indicators of anthropogenic transformation of the flora. A survey of the condition of individual woody plants showed that healthy trees account for 29% of the total number of woody plants, weakened - 31 %, severely weakened - 40 %. The most common pathological phenomena among woody plants of the coal dump are spot leaf necrosis (60 % of the total number of trees examined), marginal necrosis (30 %) and leaf chlorosis (70 %), the presence of insect galls on the leaf surface (14 %).


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How to Cite
Dostovalova D. A., Podgorodetsky N. S. The spectrum of plant life forms of a coal dump as an indicator of the degree of anthropogenic transformation of its flora // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 1. P. 79-81 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024015. URL: