Ecogeographical features and genetic relations of North American fir trees

УДК 582.475.2:581.9

  • A. A. Egorov Institute of Forest Science RAS Email:
Keywords: Hybridization, potential range, North American spruce, ecogeographical analysis, phylogenetics


Ecogeographical analysis and modeling of the range of the blue spruce (Picea glauca) revealed that its potential modeled range coincides with the ranges of close North American spruce species: P. engelmannii, P. sitchensis, P. pungens grow in the southwestern part of the potential range, P. rubens grows in the southeastern part, with the range of P. glauca in general, the area of P. mariana coincides. This northern group of fir trees of North America, associated with boreal and mountain forests, has an ancestral species that existed for about 18 million years ago, which later split into two phylogenetically independent groups. These two groups of fir trees do not hybridize in nature, but they still retain this ability inside themselves. The first group includes P. glauca, P. engelmannii, P. sitchensis and P pungens. The second group of fir trees, P. mariana and P. rubens, are geographically and ecologically distinct, limited forming hybrids in places where they grow together. When artificially crossed, some representatives of these two groups hybridize with each other in a limited way, showing low seed germination. The relationship between the time of appearance of a species and the success of crossing is traced: the species are phylogenetically closer, the easier it is to hybridize with each other. Despite all the revealed genetic and ecological differences between the considered species of Picea, the taxa remain ecologically similar, since they are mainly united by the potential range of P glauca, which belongs to the boreal.


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How to Cite
Egorov A. A. Ecogeographical features and genetic relations of North American fir trees // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 1. P. 88-92 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024017. URL: