A note on the species of the genus Gypsophila patrinii Ser. (Caryophyllaceae) of the south of Western Siberia, Khakassia and Kazakhstan
УДК 582.669.2(571.1+574)
A systematic study of the species of the genus Gypsophila patrinii Ser., native to Siberia and Kazakhstan, has been carried out. The complexity of the systematic position of G. patrinii lies in the ambiguous interpretation of the species and the complex synonymy of the species. In the herbarium of the V. L. Komarov Institute of Botany of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LE) contains 13 species designations agg. G. patrinii. To the “Flora of the USSR”, B.K. Shishkin combined them under the name Gypsophila patrinii. The old name G. gmelinii Bunge has been restored for the flora of Western Siberia, G. patrinii is robbed in Eastern Kazakhstan and Altai, G. rupestris Kupr. It is found in Khakassia.
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