Comparative assessment of the species diversity of florocenotypes of Dagestan

УДК 581.93(470.67)

  • R. A. Murtazaliev Precaspian Institute of Biological Resources of DFRC RAS Email:
Keywords: Flora analysis, habitats, species composition, vegetation


The paper provides information about the floristic diversity of florocenotypes in Dagestan. 43 florocenotypes and 3 types of plant communities of anthropogenically modified habitats were identified, which were combined into three groups. For each type, the number of noted species, their shares of the total number of species of the flora of Dagestan, as well as the main and specific plant species are given. It was noted that the most floristically rich florocenotypes in the lowlands and in the zone of the lower foothills are shrub steppes (506 species), xerophilic forests and light forests of the Mediterranean type (477), forb dry steppes of the foothills (441) and forb-grass dry meadows of the foothills (343), and in the mountainous part: polyurus thickets (505 species), steppe post-forest meadows (396), mixed broad-leaved forests (373), subalpine meadows (322) and xerophytic hasmophyton with 317 species. Floristically poor florocenotypes are mountain reservoirs with 19 species, inland reservoirs of lowlands (63 species), Caspian floodplains (68) and Caspian clump meadows (78 species). When analyzing the floristic similarity, the florocenotypes were united into several clades, which we conditionally divided into the following groups: desert, hydrophilic, mesophilic, steppe and arid.


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How to Cite
Murtazaliev R. A. Comparative assessment of the species diversity of florocenotypes of Dagestan // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 1. P. 183-187 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024034. URL: