Ecological and cetonic characteristics of plant communities with the participation of Rhodiola linearifolia (Crassulaceae) in the mountains of the Northern Tien Shan

УДК 581.526

  • I. G. Otradnykh Institute of botany and phytointroduction Email:
  • I. A. Syedina Institute of botany and phytointroduction Email:
  • M. S. Ramazanova Institute of botany and phytointroduction Email:
Keywords: Anthropogenic load, population, plant community, Rhodiola linearifolia, species composition


Description of plant communities with Rhodiola linearifolia was carried out in three populations in different geographical points of the Northern Tien Shan ranges. The first population is located in the mountains of Kungei Alatau (northern slope of the Chilik River floodplain); the second population is located in the mountains of Transile Alatau (Great Almatinsky Gorge); the third population is located in the mountains of Terskey Alatau (Karatogan Gorge). An amount of generative individuals among populations is not numerous and varies from 3 to 10 specimens per 100 m2. The greatest number of Rhodiola linearifolia individuals is in the population of the Kungay Alatau Ridge, where are the most optimal ecological conditions for growth and absence of anthropogenic load have been formed. Weak regeneration in the populations is caused by high sodden soil cover and anthropogenic load. The proportion of participation in communities is low and ranges from 3 to 8 %. Due to diffuse distribution, low participation in communities and weak regeneration, the identified populations of the species can be recommended only as a source of seed or planting material for establishing introduced populations. Harvesting of raw materials is critical for this species.


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How to Cite
Otradnykh I. G., Syedina I. A., Ramazanova M. S. Ecological and cetonic characteristics of plant communities with the participation of Rhodiola linearifolia (Crassulaceae) in the mountains of the Northern Tien Shan // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 1. P. 206-210 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024038. URL: