Comparative analysis of Anabar-Kotui massif north local floras

УДК 581.93(235.31)

  • E. B. Pospelova Federal state budgetary institution “Reserves of Taimyr” Email:
  • I. N. Pospelov A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • S. V. Chinenko V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: Anabar-Kotui mountain massif, flora analysis, local floras, regional floras, vascular flora, floristic zoning


A comparative analysis of 30 local floras (LF) of Anabar-Kotuy mountain massif and its north-eastern plain framing up to the northern border of forest vegetation distribution were carried out. Two-stage convergent floristic zoning of the territory was carried out using a cluster analysis of the species composition of the LF, taking into account the activity of species in each. Six elementary floristic regions (EFR) have been identified, the regional floras of which differ both in composition and in the ratio of their constituent geographical elements and ecological-coenotic groups. A description of EFR landscapes and their regional floras (RF) is given, for which differential and codifferential taxa are indicated, as well as negative features. The uniqueness of the RF identified EGFs is determined by significant differences in landscape structure of the latter, such as geological basis, nature of the relief and vegetation. Their comparison with the floristic lists of the territories adjacent to the west (Putorana) and the east (north-west of Yakutia) showed that the highest similarity in all the Russian Federation is with the flora of the eastern sector of Putorana (65-70 %). The similarity with the flora of northwestern Yakutia is lower in EGF, the greatest (60 %) is in EGFs located in the eastern part of the Anabar-Kotuy massif.


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How to Cite
Pospelova E. B., Pospelov I. N., Chinenko S. V. Comparative analysis of Anabar-Kotui massif north local floras // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 1. P. 228-234 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024041. URL: