Grid mapping: from the flora of the Meshchera National Park (Vladimir Oblast) to the Atlas of the Russian Flora

УДК 581.91(084.3)(470+571)

  • A. P. Seregin Lomonosov Moscow State University Email:
Keywords: Distribution ranges, flora, grid mapping, plant geography, vascular plants


Since 1998, the author has led several projects on grid mapping of flora at various scales. (1) The flora of the Meshchera National Park, Vladimir Oblast was studied three times, i.e. in 2002, 2012 and 2022-2023. These were monitoring studies of the flora within 2.5' x 5' squares (ca. 24 km2). Beside the documentation of the landscape structure of the flora, I tracked the spatial dynamics of species over two decadal periods. Over 50K species grid records across 80 squares at three stages were databased. (2) Vladimir Oblast was covered by a network of routes in 1998-2011, which made it possible to obtain modern data for each of the 345 squares (5'x10', or 95-98 km2). Subsequently, some squares, locations, linear objects and protected areas were re-studied. By 2020, the volume of data exceeded 130K grid records, excluding duplicate records. (3) The author contributed several volumes of the Atlas Florae Europaeae based upon 50x50 km squares (vols. 13-17, 2004-2018). Over 50 years, this project has covered a quarter of the European plant species. (4) Since 2022, our team has approached the creation of the Atlas of the Russian Flora based upon 100x100 km grid. The atlas summarizes data obtained during the digitisation of the Moscow University Herbarium and other collections, moderating the Flora of Russia project on iNaturalist, on-purpose digitising of literature data, etc. Since 2023, preliminary maps for 9,885 species of the Atlas of the Russian Flora have been available online showing 698,426 grid records.


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How to Cite
Seregin A. P. Grid mapping: from the flora of the Meshchera National Park (Vladimir Oblast) to the Atlas of the Russian Flora // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 1. P. 256-259 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024046. URL: