Ecological, biological and morphological features of Viburnum opulus in the Western Altai

УДК 582.973:581.4+581.553(235.222)

  • Vdovina T. A. RSE on PCV “Altai Botanical Garden” KN MNVO RK Email:
  • Danilova A. N. RSE on PCV “Altai Botanical Garden” KN MNVO RK Email:
  • Lagus O. A. RSE on PCV “Altai Botanical Garden” KN MNVO RK Email:
  • Vinokurov A. A RSE on PCV “Altai Botanical Garden” KN MNVO RK Email:
  • Aituganova B. J. RSE on PCV “Altai Botanical Garden” KN MNVO RK Email:
Keywords: Form, population, variability, Viburnum opulus, Western Altai


This article presents the results of studying the ecological and biological features of Viburnum opulus L. in various ecological and geographical conditions in the territory of the Western Altai. The description of ecological conditions of V. opulus growth, morphometric parameters of vegetative and generative spheres is given. The variability of 25 main characteristics of V. opulus at the endogenous, population and inter-population levels has been studied to ensure the success of the work on introduction. A comparative assessment of V. opulus by a set of characteristics allowed us to determine the degree of differences between populations and conclude that the Tarasovskaya, Cheremshanskaya and Barkhotinskaya populations differ in the greatest variety of forms. The isolated forms of V. opulus in the above-mentioned populations were the basis for the creation of an introduced population in the Altai Botanical Garden, a source of economically valuable breeding characteristics. When studying natural populations of the V. opulus, data was obtained on its geographical distribution, specific habitats were indicated with GPS coordinates, in the foothills of the Ubinsky ridge -on the south-eastern slope of Mount Barkhot, near the villages of Livino, Cheremshanka, Sharavka, Zimovye, Krolchatnik, the Bolshaya Talovka and Malaya Talovka and Ivanovsky ridge (Tishinsky village), “Gornyak” rest house, “White Meadow”.


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Global Biodiversity Information Facility. URL: (Accessed 25 February 2024).

How to Cite
T. A. V., A. N. D., O. A. L., A. A V., B. J. A. Ecological, biological and morphological features of Viburnum opulus in the Western Altai // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 2. P. 30-35 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024058. URL: