Features of cyclophysis in Pinus sibirica (Pinaceae): experience in studying vegetative progeny from mother trees of different ontogenetic states
УДК 630*181.65+582.475.2+581.143.4+581.4
On the example of different-aged vegetative progeny of the Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour), the features of cyclophysis were studied. By cyclophysis we mean the ability of grafted or rooted cuttings to preserve the ontogenetic characteristics of the mother tree for a long time. For this purpose, special objects were created in 2013 -reciprocal grafting of 7-year-old vegetative progeny of immature and 180-200-year-old generative Siberian pine trees (northern Ob-Tom interfluve). Using their example, the influence of epigenetic (related to the ontogenetic maturity of the meristem) and macrophysiological (related to the influence of the rootstock) factors on the age-related variability of crown morphogenesis was studied. The prevailing trends in the formation of the crown were revealed: cuttings from immature trees grew actively and branched, cuttings from generative trees grew worse and, in the nature of branching, were very similar to the branches of the upper part of the crown of the mother tree. It has been shown that all the traits characterizing morphogenesis and growth depend on the age of both the scion and the rootstock, but the ratio of these two factors is different for different traits. This indicates the presence of an epigenetic component in the inheritance of morphogenesis traits. First of all, this relates to the radial growth of the shoot, as well as to the intensity of branching, which is a particular manifestation of differences between age-related states in the correlative interaction between developing organs and tissues. These differences are even more pronounced in the epigenetic inheritance of the level of apical dominance, which characterizes the relationships between branching orders. This trait is entirely determined by the ontogenetic state of the scion. The possibility of epigenetic inheritance by vegetative offspring of many of the most important age-specific traits characterizing the general level of growth and the nature of morphogenesis of forest woody plants opens up prospects for epigenetic selection based on age-related conditions.
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