Plants of the genus Populus in the collection of the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute
УДК 582.623.2:581.522.4(470.21)
The Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute has been conducting long-term work on the study of seasonal rhythms. The passage of a full cycle of development by plants, the timely completion of growth processes and the transition of the plant to a state of deep rest indicates a successful introduction. The introduced trees are more susceptible to negative environmental factors than the species of the local flora and may have some defects in the structure. The purpose of this work was to analyze the condition of Populus L. trees beyond the Arctic Circle (on the example of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute). The timing of the beginning and duration of vegetation, the duration of linear growth of shoots of introduced plants of the genus Populus were studied. Deviations in the quality of the trunk, crown, and root system of the tree were determined. Poplar vegetation begins in May and has a short duration. Samples of Populus of the 4th and 5th age classes are more viable compared to poplars of the 7th age class. Despite the fact that the studied samples manage to complete the processes of growth and lignifi cation before the onset of negative temperatures, the presence of defects in the crown structure and a decrease in the length of annual shoots were found, which indicates low viability, explained, among other things, by the aging of plants.
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