Molecular cytogenetical studies on Picea obovata in Southern Siberia and Mongolia
УДК 576.316+582.475.2
The article gives the results of a cytogenetic study of two populations of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.), growing at the southern border of the species’ range, in Southern Siberia (Tuva Republic) and Northern Mongolia. The karyotype of Siberian spruce contains 24 chromosomes; no additional or B-chromosomes were found in the studied populations. Using standard karyological methods and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), the polymorphism of the chromosome nucleolar regions was studied, the localization features of the 45S and 5S ribosomal RNA genes on spruce chromosomes were identified, which made it possible to identify almost all pairs of homologous chromosomes in the Siberian spruce karyotype. In Siberian spruce from Mongolia and Southern Siberia, mixoploidy and structural abnormalities of chromosomes (acentric rings, ring and dicentric chromosomes, chromosome fragments) has been noted. Micronuclei were detected in cells at the interphase stage: in the population from Tyva they were noted in 52.2 % of seedlings, and in the Mongolian population - in 17.4 %. The frequency of occurrence of all types of disturbances was slightly higher in the population from Tyva compared to the Mongolian population, as well as to previously studied populations from the central parts of the Siberian spruce range, which is apparently due to extreme environment conditions.
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