Phenological development of Larix sibirica of various age classes in the Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute
УДК 582.475.2:581.522.4(470.21)
Larix sibirica Ledeb. is one of the main introduced coniferous species in the Murmansk region. It has been introduced to the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute (PABGI) since the 1930s. During this time, the extensive observational data has been amassed. It needs a comprehensive study and analysis. The article analyzes the phenological development of 9 samples of Larix sibirica by their age classes and the origin of their parent material. The trees studied grow on the territory of the PABGI in the surroundings of Apatity town (Murmansk region) and, in 2023, belong to age class IV. Phenological data and winter hardiness scores from 1957 to 2023 were used. The dates of the onset of 11 main phenophases were analyzed. Statistical processing was carried out in the Statistica 13 program using the Shapiro-Wilk and Kruskal-Wallis tests. When comparing phenodates by sample, type and place of the origin of their parent material, no significant differences were found. The dates of the onset of 8 phenophases vary for trees of different age classes. Trees of age classes III and IV are more winter-hardy than those of classes I and II. We plan to study the impact of climatic factors on the phenological development of Siberian larch in the future.
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