Sozological aspects of studying the vegetation cover of Altai lakes
УДК 581.55+504.738(571.151)
The work provides information on the state of the lists of rare and endangered aquatic and semi-aquatic plants. On the one hand, there is a redundancy of the list of plants included in the Red Books of Asian Russia. On the other hand, there is a need to replenish the lists of threatened plants in Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai with the representatives of the flora of water-bodies. Examples of natural successional changes in the vegetation of Altai lakes (lake Manzherokskoye and Mokhovoye) are given. The facts of significant changes in the vegetation cover of lakes Manzherokskoye and Aiskoye are stated. The relatively stable state of lakes Kolyvanskoe and Beloe was noted. It is concluded that there is a need for regular monitoring of the ecosystems’ state of the iconic lakes of Altai, including lakes Aiskoye, Beloye, Kolyvanskoye, Manzherokskoye, Mokhovoye, Tenginskoye, lakes of the Ulagansky district. Direct threats to the sustainability and biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems of Altai include anthropogenic eutrophication due to massive development of recreation in Altai, as well as radical transformations in the semi-aquatic strip and water area, causing catastrophic damage to aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation and aquatic ecosystems in general. Strict control over compliance with sanitary standards is necessary in tourist and recreational complexes on the lakes Ayskoye, Teletskoye, Tenginskoye, as well as a constructive active dialogue between the scientific community and the administration of the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai to preserve the sustainability and biodiversity of aquatic and semi-aquatic ecosystems of the unique ecoregion.
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