Natural dynamics of the formation composition at the mountain forests of the northwestern part of the Eastern Sayan
УДК 581.555
The natural dynamics of the forest composition in the near Yenisei part of the Eastern Sayan using a landscape framework and GIS technologies has been revealed. The variety of environmental conditions caused by complex topography and a variety of disturbances has led to the development of various plant communities differing in composition, structure and mechanisms of resistance. In order to identify the key factors of vegetation successions, the landscape structure is differentiated into two high-altitude landscape belts, and within their boundaries into nine facies groups. A generalizing scheme of the successional pathways of the facies group scale of two conjugate high-altitude belt complexes of forest types has been compiled and analyzed. The restoration of late-successional plant communities occurs mainly through the long-derivative stands formed in the low-mountain belt mainly by deciduous tree species, and in the middle mountain belt by deciduous and light coniferous species. The most significant exogenous factor of the succession of plant communities is periodic pyrogenic effects of low and medium intensity. The role of surface fires for the stands species composition dynamics is not unambiguous and manifests itself in various conditions both in accelerating the restoration of indigenous vegetation and slowing down and even digression of forest vegetation.
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