Features of the territorial distribution of Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb in the Crimean Mountains
УДК 574.38+574.24+582.477.6(1-924.71)
Among the Crimean junipers, the most widespread is Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. J. excelsa tree stands occupy areas with the most complex edapho-orographic conditions, within which other tree species are practically not found. However, currently the area of tall juniper stands is declining, as a result of which the species was included in the Red Book of the Republic of Crimea. The purpose of the research was to determine the characteristics of the territorial distribution of J. excelsa in the Crimean Mountains. Based on the purpose of the work, the following tasks were set: to identify the ecological location of the species under study and to establish the main abiotic factors that influence the development of its population. Using GIS technologies, we determined the features of the territorial distribution of J. excelsa within the Baydar Valley (where more than 73 % of all J. excelsa stands in Crimea grow). It has been established that the biological and ecological characteristics of J. excelsa in the Crimean Mountains are strictly limited by orographic conditions, namely slope exposure and altitude above sea level. It was revealed that tall juniper tree stands are confined to slopes whose slope is higher than 25 °. They account for 83 % of all plantings of the species. The most optimal for growth are warm, well-heated areas with young and southwestern exposures. The altitudinal optimum for the species is in the range from 200 to 500 m above sea level. 77 % of tall juniper stands grow within the altitudinal optimum.
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