Antecological features of some early flowering shrubs during introduction in the North
УДК 635.054:631.529(470.13)
Ornamental shrubs play a major role in comfortable decoration of urban environment and they also perform utilitarian functions, in particular reducing air pollution. Early flowering shrubs such as Weigela middendorffiana and Amygdalus nana, used in green building, are being studied in the Botanical Garden arboretum. The main way of pollination of these species is entomophilia. In northern conditions, there are few spring-flowering plants in nature, so insect pollinators are eager to utilize new food sources. The flowers of W. middendorffiana and A. nana develop on the shoots of the previous year. The flower of W. middendorffiana has a set of morphological features that ensure preferential pollination by bees and bumblebees (melittophilia), such as a convenient planting site; a surface providing good support; a flower resistant to mechanical influences, color change during flowering; and a bell-shaped corolla. The flower of A. nana is less specialized and can be pollinated by a wider range of insects and has signs of myophilic pollination syndrome: regular, simple, shallow, wide-open corolla; light corolla coloration; weak odor; easily accessible nectar and clearly protruding reproductive organs. These species have a short flowering period, which is characteristic of spring-flowering plants.
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