Karyological and molecular cytogenetical studies on Larix species of Mongolia and Southern Siberia
УДК 576.312.35/37:582.475.2:634.0.165.4
For the first time, comparative cytogenetical studies on two larch species populations and a natural hybrid between them from several places in Mongolia and adjacent regions of Southern Siberia have been carried out. Karyotype variability in larch populations at the southern borders of their ranges such as genome (mixoploidy, aneuploidy, B chromosomes) and chromosome mutations (ring and polycentric chromosomes, fragments, pericentric inversions) of different types has been noted. Using classic methods and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), a polymorphism of nucleolar regions of chromosomes was studied, characteristics of 45S and 5S of ribosomal DNA loci of Siberian and Gmelin larches were revealed. A significant similarity of two larch species populations in Mongolia and adjacent territories of Southern Siberia on karyological features has been established. In comparison with populations from the central parts of the range, the frequency of chromosome anomalies here is significantly increased, which is apparently explained by extreme environment conditions.
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