Bryoflora of the Kamennaya Steppe State Federal Reserve (Voronezh Region)
УДК 582.32(470.324)
46 species of mosses have been identified on the territory of the Kamennaya Steppe Nature Reserve. The peculiarities of the bryoflora of the forest-agrarian landscapes of the reserve are: the absence of liverworts, a high proportion of representatives of the Orthotrichaceae family (6 epiphytic species), the predominance of anthropotolerant (more than 75 %) mainly forest species (more than 80 %) with low and moderate activity (about 50 %) belonging to the group of obligate xerophilic epiphytes (40 %); the presence of 2 species from the regional Red Book in the bryoflora increases its role in preserving the biodiversity of mosses of the forest-steppe. It is advisable to constantly monitor the moss component of the ecosystems of the reserve in order to identify its stability as part of artificial forest-agrarian landscapes.
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