Current state of Oreosalsoleta arbusculiformis pastures of North-Western Kyzylkum

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  • Rakhimova N. K. Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
Keywords: North-Western Kyzylkum, pasture cadastre, pasture difference, Republic of Karakalpakstan, seasonal use, vegetation cover, cover


The article is devoted to the study of the current state of pastures of the Oreosalsoleta arbusculiformis type, distributed in the territory of North-Western Kyzylkum (Karakalpak part of Kyzylkum). The results of field studies of the species composition and productivity of plant communities, which include two pasture differences, are presented: 1. Oreosalsola arbusculiformis, Caroxylon orientale with Artemisia diffusa on gravelly gray-brown soils; 2. Oreosalsola arbusculiformis, Artemisia diffusa and sparse Oreosalsola arbusculiformis, Caroxylon orientale on crushed-clay soils. The area of the studied pasture differences, the nature of the soil cover, the percentage of projective cover, landscape plant species, their placement, forage yield and recommended seasonality of use were determined. According estimation of the yield of the eaten part, the studied pasture differences are recommended to be used as summer-autumn-winter pastures.


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How to Cite
N. K. R. Current state of Oreosalsoleta arbusculiformis pastures of North-Western Kyzylkum // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 2. P. 338-342 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024116. URL: