Modern classification of pastures of North-Western Kyzylkum (Uzbekistan)
УДК 581.553(575.172)
The article presents a modern classification of pastures for the southern part of the North-Western Kyzylkum, including such types of pastures as Oreosalsoleta arbusculiformis, Anabaseta salsae, Caroxylon orientale, Artemisieta diffusa+A. terrae-albae, Xylosalsoleta arbusculae, Haloxyleta persici, Calligoneta spp., Haloxyleta persici+H. ammodendri, Halocnemeta strobilacei, Nitrarieta schoberi, Tamariceta hispidae+T. ramosissima, Phragmiteta australis and their 81 differences. The results show that despite the independent nature of the distribution of the formations Oreosalsoleta arbusculiformis, Anabaseta salsae, Artemisieta terrae-albae, which are of particular importance in the phytocenochore of Northern Turan, the territory of the North-Western Kyzylkum is associated with the Southern Turan province due to the predominance of psammophytic tree-shrub fractions in vegetation cover.
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