New habitats and population status of the rare species Schmalhausenia nidulans in the Kungey and Terskey Alatau mountains (Northern Tien Shan)

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  • Syedina I. A. Institute of botany and phytointroduction MES RK Email:
  • Otradnykh I. G. Institute of botany and phytointroduction MES RK Email:
  • Ualyeva B. B. State national nature park «Kulsai lakes» Email:
Keywords: Anthropogenic impact, plant community, population, species richness, Schmalhausenia nidulans


The description of plant communities with the participation of Schmalhausenia nidulans (Regel) Petr. was carried out in two populations in different geographical locations of the Northern Tien Shan ridges. The first population was described in the Kungei Alatau mountains (Kurmetta gorge); the second is in the Terskey Alatau mountains (Karatogan gorge). The species richness of the plant community of the Kungey population of Schmalhausenia nidulans is 40 species from 36 genera and 19 families. It was noted that the Kungei population of Schmalhausenia nidulans is developing steadily. The species richness of the plant community in Terskey Alatau is significantly lower than in Kungey and amounts to 26 species from 25 genera and 15 families, in that it is in more unfavorable conditions for regeneration and is susceptible to trampling by farm animals. The population is small, but currently stable since it contains virginal and immature vegetative individuals. Both populations are self-sustaining by seed. The absence of juveniles and seedlings is probably related to dense grass cover, poor seed production and insect pests seed damage.


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How to Cite
I. A. S., I. G. O., B. B. U. New habitats and population status of the rare species Schmalhausenia nidulans in the Kungey and Terskey Alatau mountains (Northern Tien Shan) // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2024. Vol. 23, № 2. P. 436-439 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2024134. URL: