Syntaxonomy of the forest vegetation of the Priobskoye plateau in the forest-steppe zone
УДК 581.55:581.526.425/.426(1-925.116)
Prodromus of forest vegetation of forest-steppe zone for the territory of Priobskoe Plateau was compiled on the basis of literature and own data. It includes 17 associations, 8 alliances, 6 orders and 5 classes. Intrazonal class Carici supinae-Betuletea pendulae unites birch forests with dominance of steppe species in the grass layer. Zonal class Brachypodio pinnati-Betuletea pendulae represents the main forest diversity of forest-steppe landscapes. Pine forests of the class Koelerio glaucae-Pinetea sylvestris occupy dry sandy soils in ancient ravines. More mesophytic communities in the same landscapes represent the class Vaccinio-Piceetea. The class Alnetea glutinosae includes swampy forests and shrubs occupying wet depressions, as well as the bottoms of gullies. Some forest communities are highly transformed and require special attention. First of all, these are pine forests, as well as communities with rare and endangered plant species.
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