Introduction assessment of a number of ornamental perennial plants in Botanical garden of Irkutsk State University
УДК 582.579.2+581.16+58.006+631.529(571.53)
The introduction results of 24 species of perennial ornamental plants are presented, among which there are species included in the regional Red Books. Three species of them are included in the Red Book of the Irkutsk region: Allium altaicum Pall., Primula macrocalyx Bunge and Primula pallasii Lehm. The introduction was carried out in the Botanical Garden of Irkutsk State University. We assessed the success of introduction using a 100-point scale according to the method of A. N. Kupriyanov, taking into account the following indicators: winter hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests, general condition of plants, methods of propagation in culture, plant development during the growing season. According to the results of the study, 18 species were assessed as certainly promising and 6 species were promising for further study. We have identified a number of characteristics of introduced plants that are important for landscape design: resistance to lodging, the degree of death of various plant parts after flowering, quality of flowering, plant structure, invasive risk, susceptibility to pests and diseases. The tested species are highly decorative, correspond to modern ecostyle in landscape design, and can be involved in breeding work. The introduction of rare plants will support ex situ plant conservation strategies.
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