• M.P. Khakimova, T.V. Sirotina Email:


The research of practices of care for persons with mental disabilities in Russia was actualized by the Federal Law N 442-FZ from 12\28\2013 “On the Basis of Social Services to Citizens in the Russian Federation” entering into force on January, 1, 2015, the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). According to the norms of the law the social welfare system is to be reformed, each region is given the opportunity to create a unique register of social service providers, service recipients (clients) are endowed with the right to choose a necessary set of social services and service providers.


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How to Cite
T.V. Sirotina M. K. NEUROPSYCHIATRIC NURSING HOME CARE FOR ADULTS WITH MENTAL DISABILITIES IN RUSSIA // Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity, 1. Vol. 2, № 9. URL: