The relationships between the lengths of microsatellite loci and the manifestation of key agricultural characteristics in wild soybeans (Glycine soja) were studied. The object was 46 forms of this culture from various districts of the Amur Region, as well as 2 forms from China, 1 from the Primorsky Territory and 1 from the Khabarovsk Territory. In the field experiment (Sadovoye village, 2023), phenological observations were carried out, as well as an assessment of economically valuable signs. Standard PCR was performed on the finished reaction mixture using 20 pairs of primers. During the SSR analysis, 11 markers associated with QTLs were identified (9vegetation period, seed weight, protein and oil content in soybean seeds). The correlation analysis was performed using the Pearson coefficient of mutual conjugacy. The results showed the existence of a direct moderate relationship between the mass of 1000 seeds and the locus Satt517 (rxy=0.39). An inverse relationship has been established between the seed mass and the Satt005 locus (rxy=-0.34), which emphasizes its effect on reducing this indicator. Analysis of the protein content in the seeds revealed a moderate correlation with the Satt431 locus (rxy=0.32). Satt005 showed an inverse moderate relationship with the oil content (rxy=-0.34). Other loci Satt002, Satt173, Satt234, Satt281, Satt373, Satt442, Satt556, Satt565 showed a weak correlation with economically valuable traits, which limits their use in soybean breeding. Microsatellites are an important tool for studying the genetic properties of organisms, but today the effect of these markers on productive qualities has not yet been established. The results of the current study, conducted on a limited sample and using a small number of markers, require further verification.
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