Protective forest plantations of fast-growing and resistant to abiotic stress factors species, hybrids and forms of tree species must be created on the basis of new genotypes adapted to drought and extreme conditions. The culture of isolated organs and tissues in vitro makes it possible to carry out some applied and fundamental research in the laboratory. The purpose of our research was to develop principles for selecting drought-resistant hybrids, forms and clones of poplars in in vitro culture for an accelerated breeding process. New poplar genotypes were obtained after targeted crossing of selected parental lines using the culture of isolated embryos from immature seed pods. For mass propagation of the obtained genotypes, a nutrient medium was selected according to the Murashige and Skoog protocol, supplemented with the cytokinin metatopolin at a concentration of 0.2 mg/l. Although for the propagation of a specific genotype after selection for resistance to drought, it is necessary to purposefully select the optimal composition of the nutrient medium, because the regenerative ability of explants had a pronounced genotypic character. The use of polyethylene glycol 6000 was effective in simulating water stress in in vitro culture and selecting drought-tolerant Populus genotypes for further field trials.
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