Comparative study of the leaf’s anatomical structure of some endemic species Umbelliferae family in Middle Asia

УДК 582.893.6:581.82(575)

  • D. T. Khamraeva Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Republic Email:
Keywords: Anatomy, Apiaceae, leaf, mesophyll, secretory ducts


This article presents the results of comparative study of leaf structure in species Komarovia anisosperma,Sphaerosciadium denaense, Kamelinia tianschanica, Korshinskya olgae и Autumnalia innopinata of the Apiaceae Lindlfamily. For the studied species, a close relationship between the anatomical structure of the leaf and environmental conditions has been revealed. The diagnostic leaf-blade features are: for Komarovia anisosperma, single layer of the palisadeparenchyma with tightly closed or in places loosely located rather elongated cells and the presence of 3 secretory ducts onthe abaxial side (under the central and marginal lateral vascular bundles); for Sphaerosciadium denaense, marginal partswrapped to adaxial side, 2(3) secretory ducts above the main bundle at the abaxial side, one larger at the adaxial side,above and below lateral bundles they locate one by one, and a single duct at the adaxial part of the leaf top; for Kamelinia tianschanica, two and above the central bundle three-layer palisades and the presence of a single secretory duct underthe central bundle; Korshinskya olgae, two-layer palisade and the presence on the abaxial side of 3 (4) secretory ducts (1or 2 large under the central and median lateral vascular bundles); Autumnalia innopinata, isopalisade mesophyll and thepresence of a 2–3-layer aquifer parenchyma.


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How to Cite
Khamraeva D. T. Comparative study of the leaf’s anatomical structure of some endemic species Umbelliferae family in Middle Asia // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2020. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 236-239 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2020046. URL: