Ecologo-geographical research of Poa botryoides (Trin. ex Griseb.) Kom. (Poaceae)
УДК 582.542.1:581.5+581.9
Poa botryoides (Trin. ex Griseb.) Kom. is a predominantly Siberian mountain-steppe species, occupying an intermediate position between P stepposa (Kryl.) Roshev. and P attenuata Trin., from which it is poorly isolated morphologically. A digital map of P botryoides distribution was compiled, based on 143 localities, revealed from herbarium materials and reliable literary sources; the ecologo-climatic niche of this species was constructed on the basis of 19 climatic parameters. The histograms revealed similarities between the precipitation plots of the driest quarter and the coldest quarters, as well as the wettest and warmest quarters. This can be explained by the high correlation between the season and the amount of precipitation. Two-dimensional “climatic envelopes” constructed both for the average annual values of temperature and precipitation, and for the values of temperature and precipitation during the growing season, showed the spread of values, as well as the number of individuals in atypical climatic conditions. Maps reflecting the spatial location of these “atypical” points showed that most of them are located in the humid regions of the Far East, which makes us pay more attention to the P. botryoides samples collected in these territories.
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