Biomorphological structure of Kemerovo city’s flora

УДК 581.93:581.412(571.17)

  • B. G. Andreyev Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal-Chemistry SB RAS Email:
  • K. A. Kalabina National Research Tomsk State University Email:
Keywords: Analysis of life forms, method of model areas, urban flora, Western Siberia


The article presents a range of types of life forms for the flora of the city of Kemerovo and its functional zones, including both native and alien elements. The perennial polycarpic plants have dominated in city’s flora, this tentation is common in Western Siberia. An increase in the proportion of monocarpic plants was revealed with an increase in anthropogenic factor on parts of the city. Human activity changes life expectancy and the number of fruiting as an adaptation to extreme growing conditions. The largest proportion of monocarpic grasses (50.61%) was noted on highways and tramways - the main migration corridors of plants, the proportion of monocarpics above 30% was noted in waste grounds, industrial zone, on railway tracks and stations. The largest proportion of polycarpic grasses was found on rocky outcrops and steppes (68.02 %), as well as on the territory of weakly transformed forests (65.98 %). Rocky outcrops and steppes have the largest proportion of semi-woody life forms (3.55 %) and shrubs (1.52 %) in the flora. The materials obtained during the collection by the method of model areas allow to identify the distinctive features of some functional zones of the city, to identify the most common patterns for the departments of suburban flora and urban flora.


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How to Cite
Andreyev B. G., Kalabina K. A. Biomorphological structure of Kemerovo city’s flora // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 17-20 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023088. URL: