Stability of development and dynamics of vitamin C content in the leaves of the berry apple tree in the conditions of technogenic pollution of the city of Novoaltaysk

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  • G. G. Sokolova Altai State University Email:
  • A. A Obryvko Altai State University Email:
  • I. A. Kondrateva Altai State University Email:
Keywords: Apple leaves, development stability, fluctuating asymmetry, vitamin C


The article considers the stability of the development of the berry apple tree in different growing conditions in Novoaltaysk. The fluctuating asymmetry of apple leaves was evaluated by 5 morphological features. We revealed a significant increase in comparison with the control of the leaf width, the length of the second second-order vein from the base of the leaf, the distance between the bases of the first and second second-order veins and the distance between the ends of the first and second second-order veins in apple leaves growing along highways and near industrial enterprises. There are 3 zones that differ in the integral indicator of the stability of the development of leaves in apple trees: conditionally normal (control), with an average degree of disturbance and critical. A regular change in the vitamin C content in the leaves of apple trees in a row is described: control -> courtyards, parks, squares -> roads with medium traffic intensity -> roads with high traffic intensity -> industrial zone.


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How to Cite
Sokolova G. G., Obryvko A. A., Kondrateva I. A. Stability of development and dynamics of vitamin C content in the leaves of the berry apple tree in the conditions of technogenic pollution of the city of Novoaltaysk // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 336-340 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023151. URL:

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