Some features of the advent flora in Barnaul

УДК 581.93(571.150-25)

  • T. A. Terekhina Altai State University Email:
  • N. V. Ovcharova Altai State University Email:
Keywords: Advent flora, advent plants, invasions in different countries, cosmopolitan ranges, expansion of ranges


In connection with the strengthening of human influence on vegetation, territories arose where species alien to the flora of the region appeared. Such places primarily include urban settlements. Long-term study of urban flora dynamics is of great importance and relevance. So, based on the data of V. I. Vereshchagin 30-50th XX century, a list of flora was compiled, which was further supplemented by data obtained as a result of the collection of herbarium during subsequent years to the present. From the general list of the Barnaul flora, a group of adventive (alien plants) was identified, which amounted to 211 species. Using the GIBF Global Database, the ranges of all adventitious species were determined. An absolute predominance of species with a cosmopolitan range was established. In somewhat smaller numbers, species with a Holarctic range were encountered. There are more than 90 % of such widely distributed species in the adventitious flora of Barnaul. Many cosmopolitans in a number of countries have become invasive; these are alien species whose entry and spread threaten ecosystems or native species and cause economic or environmental damage. There are 114 such cosmopolitans in the flora of Barnaul. Included in the Black Book of Siberia are 36 types of advents in Barnaul. Among them, species in Barnaul are dominated by origin associated with the northern hemisphere.


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How to Cite
Terekhina T. A., Ovcharova N. V. Some features of the advent flora in Barnaul // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 370-374 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023159. URL: