• Виктор Иванович Крышка Altai State University (Barnaul) Email:
Keywords: capital, circulation of capital, labor commodity, full cycle of labor commodity form


In the article on the basis of Marxist theory of reproduction and circulation of individual capital an attempt is made to formulate and construct a model of full circulation of commodity form of labor cost. In particular, from the analysis of monetary, commodity and productive forms of circulation of individual capital the figure of circulation of commodity form of means of production and labor is allocated. The model of full circulation of the commodity form of labor cost includes all stages of the reproduction process, i. e. the stages of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. Thus, at the stage of production in which labor is included, the labor force produces and receives remuneration for work in the form of an accrued nominal wage; at the stage of distribution, the wage earns personal disposable income; at the stage of simple commodity treatment, it sells its labor force and acquires the necessary means of subsistence for itself and its family; and finally, at the stage of consumption, it meets the needs of employees and produces individual and aggregate labor. The full circulation of the commodity value of labor covers both the circulation of individual capital and human capital in general.


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How to Cite
1. Крышка В. И. MODELING OF THE FULL CYCLE OF LABOR COST COMMODITY FORM // Economics Profession Business, 2018. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 48-52. URL: