• Оксана Юрьевна Рудакова Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: interregional differentiation, regional interaction, interregional integration, economic security, interregional cooperation.


Based on the analysis of the formation of the theory of interregional interaction and assessment of its current status, the role of interregional interaction in the concept of economic security through the prism of such categories as "interregional differentiation", "interregional integration", "interregional cooperation" is defined. Interregional differentiation is considered as an indicator of launching the mechanism of interregional interaction. The threat to economic security is not the differentiation itself, but its level, estimated by the most significant indicators within a single state. The author's approach to the structure of the study of interregional relations is proposed, including the expansion of the goals of interregional interaction in the context of ensuring economic security, highlighting the main parameters (subjects, objects, trends, factors, forms and types of regional links, indicators of the effectiveness of interaction), allowing to assess not only the existing, but also to potential regional connections, to determine the desired and permissible level of interregional integration and interregional differentiation, is the main criteria for evaluation of economic security.


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How to Cite
1. Рудакова О. Ю. REGIONAL INTERACTION IN CONCEPT OF STATE ECONOMIC SECURITY // Economics Profession Business, 2018. Vol. 3. № 3. P. 89-96. URL: