• Алие Мустафаевна Сергиенко Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) Email:
Keywords: population incomes, inequality, poverty, challenges, and threats, agro-industrial region


The article presents the results of the analysis of challenges and threats in the population income sphere on the example of the Altai territory. The theoretical and methodical basis for the assessment of threats in the income sphere are considered. Special emphasis is made on the analysis of theoretical issues of social and national security. The author gives your own vision of the indicators and criteria for identifying the challenges and threats in the population income sphere, of the problems of their measurement. On the basis of statistical analysis, the features of the dynamics of per capita money and real incomes of the population, the average monthly nominal and real wages of employees, indicators of inequality in the population income and poverty in the Altai territory are revealed against the background of Russia and the regions of the Siberian Federal district for the period from the beginning of 2010. Along with the positive trends in the population income, the key challenges and threats are identified. Such challenges and threats, leading to negative consequences for the region development, include, first of all, low wages, large-scale poverty and growing inequalities. The ways of overcoming these challenges and threats are shown.


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How to Cite
1. Сергиенко А. М. INCOMES OF ALTAI TERRITORY POPULATION: WHERE DO CHALLENGES AND THREATS FOCUS? // Economics Profession Business, 2018. Vol. 4. № 4. P. 57-67. URL: